Market News | Afriwood Tanzania 2024

Market News

  • Tanzania paints a bright outlook for 2018

    Posted on :Wednesday , 22nd August 2018

    State-run National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said that faster growth in mining, natural gas and construction activities propelled Tanzania’s economy higher in the third quarter of 2017. East Africa’s third-biggest economy grew 6.8 per cent year-on-year in the third quarter compared with 6.2 per cent in the same quarter in 2016.

    According to the NBS, Econom. . .

  • East African countries join hands to promote legal logging

    Posted on :Wednesday , 22nd August 2018

     In a bid to improve legal timber trade and save legitimate businesses from falling prey to the losses sustained by illegal logging, Eastern African Representatives from across different countries are meeting to discuss the formal launch and implementation of the steering committee for the Zanzibar Declaration on Illegal Trade in Timber and other Forest Products.

     The Zanzibar. . .

  • Milestone deal between Uganda and Tanzania

    Posted on :Wednesday , 22nd August 2018

    Dar es Salaam — Trade relations between Uganda and Tanzania have reached another significant milestone, this after the former opted to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Railway Transport Services And Cooperation and Improvement of Ports and Inland Waterways. 

    As per the MoU, Uganda, being one of the East Africa's landlocked countries, will be able to use the port of. . .

  • Timber industry in South Africa plans for a positive future

    Posted on :Monday , 11th February 2019

    Government experts are mulling over all possible options to ensure revival and strengthening of the sector. The years to come will see increased efficiency and productivity.

     The medium-term outlook for the timber industry is under pressure while the short-term outlook for South Africa’s timber industry looks promising, with positive supply and demand figures. As the total ar. . .

  • Modular homes are making a grand entrance in South Africa

    Posted on :Thursday , 22nd March 2018

     The move from free-standing homes can be linked to high property prices – which shows that South Africans living in the country’s most populated provinces can expect to pay well over a 1 million rand for a home.

     As owners opt for townhouses and flats over free-standing properties South African homes are becoming smaller.

    Most people use them as their main. . .


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