Market News

  • Lighting up Rural Kenya: Energy Agency to Double County Investments

    Posted on :Monday , 10th May 2021

    The Rural and Renewable Energy Corporation (Rerec) is working with county governments to expand electricity coverage in rural areas throughout the country.

    The company has stated that it would match county government expenditures in lighting their respective areas.

    Rerec, tasked with expanding electricity coverage in rural Kenya and increasing renewable energy use, announced that . . .

  • d.Light Solar Starts New Outlet in Nairobi: Kenya

    Posted on :Monday , 2nd November 2020

    Sun Solutions provider d.light Solar has developed a new outlet in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, with the goal of growing customer response time during the coronavirus pandemic era. As per the firm, the 500-capacity centre will host its customer service team to boost customer experience and ensure business continuity amid the health crisis.

    “It is extrem. . .

  • Sustainable Urban Lighting in Eastern Africa Meets Demand

    Posted on :Monday , 2nd November 2020

    Responding to demand for sustainable urban lighting in Eastern Africa Population growth, economic development , infrastructure expansion and land use reform are all main factors contributing to the expansion of cities around the world.  

    Approximately 68% of the global population is expected to live in cities by 2050, with the overwhelming majority of urban population growth taking . . .

  • Jubilation as Lighting Company Commissions Electricity at Tanzania Border

    Posted on :Monday , 14th September 2020

    Emesuti area full of triumph, as Narok South Sub County at the border of Tanzania country after Kenya Power and Lighting commissioned electricity in the area that costed Sh26 Million.

    Narok South Member of Parliament Korei Ole Lemain said the area has been lagging behind economically because of poor infrastructure and thanked the power company for installing electricity in the ward that . . .

  • US$150mn Approved by World Bank for Kenya’s 1.7mn Urban Residents

    Posted on :Wednesday , 9th September 2020

    The World Bank has approved US$150mn International Development Association (IDA) credit to improve tenure security and access to basic services for 1.7mn residents living in selected Kenya’s urban informal settlements.

    The second phase of the Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2) will enhance the living conditions of informal settlements and . . .


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