Market News

  • Africa's LED and OLED Displays and Lighting Products Market Prospects, Regional Scenario, and Current Opportunity Analysis 2021-2027

    Posted on :Wednesday , 3rd November 2021

    The African LED and OLED displays and lighting products market is anticipated to be worth US$ 1088.9 million. During the projected period, the growing prevalence of smartphones in emerging economies, owing to rapid development of telecommunications infrastructure, is expected to boost growth of the Africa LED & OLED displays and lighting products market.

    Various countries in Africa s. . .

  • Kenya Power and Lighting: The African Development Bank's SEFA funding will finance the country's first Super ESCO.

    Posted on :Thursday , 30th September 2021

    The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) has announced a one-million-dollar grant to help Kenya's government establish a Super Energy Service Company (ESCO).

    The Super ESCO, to be run by the Kenya Power and Lighting Company, will develop and implement energy efficiency projects for both the public and private sectors.

    Super ESCOs are vehicles for channelling funding into publ. . .

  • Africa Needs a Clean and Just Energy Plan

    Posted on :Monday , 6th September 2021

    Friends of the Earth Africa has launched 'A Just Recovery Renewable Energy Plan for Africa' which offers a practical and much-needed opportunity to change the trajectory of energy development, distribution, and access on the African continent. The report stresses the urgency to democratize energy systems, reduce the power of transnational corporations and enable peoples and communities to acces. . .

  • Solar Lamps in Kenya are being Highlighted

    Posted on :Thursday , 12th August 2021

    To persuade consumers to switch to clean energy, more than only high-efficiency, low-cost goods are required.

    Illumination Africa, a joint IFC and World Bank initiative, has launched an education campaign aimed at companies and nine million people in rural Kenya to encourage them to switch from fuel-based to solar lighting.

    Around 80% of Kenya's population is off-grid, or. . .

  • AECF Launches a $1.2 Million Innovation Fund to Unlock Renewable Energy Potential to Create New Businesses in Africa

    Posted on :Wednesday , 7th July 2021

    The African Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) has launched a $1.2 million Innovation Fund to unlock the potential of renewable energy to create new business opportunities.

    Businesses and entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe can apply for funding. The fund is aimed at strengthening market readiness of emerging innovations, as well as secur. . .


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