Market News | Power & Energy Tanzania 2024

Market News

  • Tanzania tests electric train on new SGR line, hits top speed of 160km/h

    Posted on :Wednesday , 6th July 2022

    The Tanzania SGR hit a speed of 160Km/h compared to Kenya's SGR that uses diesel and can move up to 120Km/h.

    It is being expected that, once commissioned for service, the new SGR train should be able to travel at the velocity of 160 kilometers per hour, which is essentially twice the speed of an ordinary bus.

    The SRG line between Dar-es-salaam City and Morogoro Station measures 300 . . .

  • Tanzania: Rukwa to Power 155 Villages This Year

    Posted on :Wednesday , 16th March 2022

    Rural Energy Agency (REA) and Tanescoare set to connect 155 villages in Rukwa with electricity by the end of this year thanks to 41.8bn/- fund.


    Rukwa'sTanesco acting Regional Manager, Joseph Malongo, told the Regional Consultative Committee (RCC) that under the 2nd round of REA Phase III the remaining 155 village in Rukwa will be connected coming this December.


  • Tanzania: Upgrade to Boost Power Supply

    Posted on :Tuesday , 15th February 2022

    The Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) is upgrading its power production stations to boost electricity generation in the country.


    The power stations currently under extension include Kinyerezi I which will generate 185 MW and Ubungo III 112 MW.


    Maharage Chande, Director General of TANESCO told journalists during a tour to inspect the work progress t. . .

  • Tanzania Rural Electrification Project: 10,361 Villages Connected To Electricity

    Posted on :Tuesday , 23rd November 2021

    Recently, Tanzanian Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa announced that 10,361 villages out of the East African country's 12,317 villages had been connected to electricity by October 2021, owing to the ongoing Tanzania rural electrification project.


    Adjourning a two-week parliamentary session in the capital Dodoma, Majaliwa said that the number of villages connected to electricity . . .

  • TANZANIA: UNIDO Will Use Waste to Produce 1.4 Mwh of Electricity

    Posted on :Wednesday , 17th November 2021

    The state-owned Tanzania Electric Supply Company estimates the electricity needs of Mafia Island in the Pwani Region at 2,200 kWh. Currently, the 60,000 residents of Mafia meet a large part of this need (2,180 kWh) with generators, which emit carbon dioxide.


    The project “Promotion of Waste-to-Energy (WtE) Applications in Tanzania’s Agro-I. . .


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