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Market News

  • Tanzania: Halali Adoption to Boost National Economy

    Posted on :Tuesday , 25th October 2016

     TANZANIA is expected to adopt 'Halali Certification logo' next year, a move that will boost the export and national economy. Speaking to reporters yesterday, the National Muslim Council of Tanzania (BAKWATA) general secretary, Selemani Lolila said Tanzania traders will be able to export products to more than 30 countries after adopting the logo.

    Halali is a lo. . .

  • Tanzania: Modern Map Equipment Expected to Reduce Land Conflicts

    Posted on :Monday , 24th October 2016

     Singita Grumeti has donated a plotter machine worth 8.7 ml- that is expected to help in solving land conflicts in the wildlife-rich district of Serengeti in Mara Region.

    The plotter machine which produces colored maps will also help the speed up on the on-going exercise made by Serengeti district council to introduce land use plans in villages.
    &nb. . .

  • Tanzania: Government outlines key investment areas

    Posted on :Friday , 21st October 2016

     The government of Tanzania has marked eight areas to private investors as part of industrialisation efforts in the country’s endovour to becoming a middle-income economy by 2025.

    The areas announced by the Minister of Industry, trade and investment, Charles Mwijage in the capital, Dar es Salaam are manufacturing, infrastructure development, agriculture, . . .

  • Tanzania and Cuba to Strengthen Bilateral Relations

    Posted on :Thursday , 20th October 2016

     Tanzania and Cuba commit to strengthening bilateral relations with focus on economic benefits and mutual cooperation.

    The announcement was made on October 3rd 2016 by President John Magufuli during a visit of the Cuban Vice President, Salvador Valdes Mesa, to Tanzania.

    Magufuli and Mesa discussed the various investment opportunities in Tanzania, especially in the pharmaceu. . .

  • Tanzania: Govt Targets 13% Economic Growth

    Posted on :Wednesday , 19th October 2016

     Dodoma — Tanzania is required to boost its economy by more than 13 per cent annually in order to attain a middle income status by 2025. For the past years the country's economy has been growing by 7 per cent only.

    Speaking yesterday when launching the Tanzania Investment Bank (TIB) board of directors, Finance and Planning Minister Philip Mpango challenge. . .


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