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Nestle Kenya Launches Digital Nutrition Calculator For Mums

Technology is now in the kitchen as Nestlé Kenya, through its MILO® brand, has unveiled a web based nutrition calculator which will enable parents to calculate the nutrition component of their kid’s meals, analyse their activeness, set up a balanced diet and schedule their kid’s sports activities by just a click of the mouse, on their web-enabled phones, tablet or ipad. Dubbed MILO® Nutrition Calculator, the tool is designed for parents of kids between ages.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 6th September 2014

Energy Investment In Africa Starts To Make Headway

 ADDIS ABABA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – As Washington hosts the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit this week, an ambitious but low-profile energy programme announced by President Barack Obama in June 2013 is set to move back into the spotlight.   Power Africa is a U.S. government-led initiative around two-thirds funded by the private sector that aims to double the number of people with access to power in sub-Saharan Africa by 2018, connecting 20 million new.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 14th August 2014

Foundation launches free cancer screening exercise - Kenya

 Kenya: The Africa Cancer Foundation has kicked off a free screening exercise, which will see the organisation hold testing in six counties. Dorothy Nyong’o, the foundation’s managing director, said they would tour Kisumu, Nakuru, Mombasa, Eldoret and Nairobi. The organisation held the first free-screening exercise in Nyeri, which was attended by more than 1,000 people. Mrs Nyong’o said those found with cancerous traces would be referred to medical facilities.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 15th August 2014

Kenya Boosts Wind Power In Its Renewable Energy Mix

 NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Kenya is set to gain more wind farms as the East African country moves to increase and diversify its clean energy resources.     Nairobi-based company Bluesea Energy Ltd has announced it will begin producing 40 megawatts (MW) in the second half of 2015 at its flagship wind power plant in Meru, expanding the renewable energy mix of a country that has previously relied on hydro and geothermal energy.   “We are.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 14th August 2014

Kenya: Universities Goes Big On Solar Power Use

 Nairobi — "Kenya sits on the Equator making it a country that has the sun the whole year. But it is a paradox because you have less than 2 percent of solar power installations," muses Professor Izael Pereira Da Silva, Director of Energy Research Centre at Strathmore University.     The remaining 98 percent of solar installations, he says, are in countries which are outside the sun-belt. So, where lies the problem?     "First, there.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th August 2014

Tanzania: Biogas Tech Set to Raise Farmers' Income

 SERENGETI District agricultural team has set up a bio-gas plant which is expected to be exemplary of modern farming and productivity .     In an interview with the 'Daily News' at the just ended Nane Nane exhibitions at Nyamhongolo Grounds in Mwanza, the Serengeti District Agriculture Irrigation Officer, Mr Simion Waryuba said the plant could be built at home. Biogas refers to gas produced from organic matters.     It can be useful at home as a school.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th August 2014

Tanzania: Dar Seeks to Train 300 in Gas, Oil Sub-Sector

 TANZANIA seeks to train about 300 personnel in natural gas and oil sub-sector by 2020 to ensure the country has adequate skilled workforce to effectively manage the resources.     Energy and Minerals Minister Professor Sospeter Muhongo told a press conference in Dar es Salaam yesterday that the workforce would include lawyers, accountants, auditors and engineers, among others, with bias on gas and oil management.     He was speaking during a brief.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th August 2014

Msambweni Hospital Gets New Machine

 The Kwale government has handed over an Anesthetic machine to the ministry of health to help in handling patients waiting for operation in Msambweni Referral Hospital. Water executive Athman Chiguzo said that the new machine cost Sh1.9 million. Speaking to the Star on the phone on Sunday Chigudzo said the buying of the machine is among other plans set by the government to ensure residents get quality health services. He said the machine was used in the hospital for three weeks.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th August 2014

Tanzania: Tap Energy Potential

 TANZANIA is endowed with a huge 4,000mw-cheap geothermal energy potential and the Vice-President, Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal, has challenged geoscientists in the country and Africa to tap it for the betterment of the people.     The geothermal potential is about three times the existing generation capacity of 1,583mw produced by both Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) and independent power producers from hydro and thermal plants.     "Our.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th August 2014

Tanzania: Sh28 Billion Set Aside for Ring Roads in Dar

 THE Minister for Works, Dr John Magufuli, has said the 2014/15 financial year would see a total of 28bn/- being spent on the construction of 79.9 kilometre- long ring roads in Dar es Salaam.     He was speaking during a one-day visit to the roads under construction on Monday, where he highlighted the government's resolve to see the roads completed to ease traffic jams in the city.     "The money will be used in constructing to tarmac level all ring.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th August 2014

Tanzania: Local NGO to Construct Development Institute

 WARD Vision, a local non-governmental organisation (NGO) in collaboration with Janada Bachelor Foundation for Children (JBFC) from the US through the American Embassy in Dar es salaam expects to construct a modern development institute at Ikindwa Bukene in Nzega District, Tabora Region.     Ward Vision Chairman, Mr Laurent Shauri said on Monday in Dar es Salaam that they want to contribute knowhow, knowledge and technology transfer in programmes of poverty reduction.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th August 2014

Kenya: Bank, Shanzu TTC to Build Sh28 Million Hostel

 FINANCIAL institutions should partner with tertiary ones and county governments to spur development, Kisauni MP Rashid Bedzimba has said.     Speaking during the ground-breaking ceremony for a Shanzu Teachers Training College Business School hostel yesterday, Bedzimba said financial institutions have a role to play in county development.     Jamii Bora Bank has partnered with the Shanzu TTC to construct the hostel at a cost of about Sh28 million, which.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 13th August 2014




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