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EAC - 2015 global economic prospect report

The World Bank says in its 2015 global economic prospect report that several low-income countries, including those in East Africa, may graduate to middle-income status on the back of substantial oil and gas discoveries. “East Africa, in particular, has emerged as a “new frontier” for oil and gas in the past half-decade…newly discovered oil reserves in Uganda and Kenya have the potential of coming on-stream by the end of the decade,” notes the.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 27th January 2015

Italians win Uganda Solar Energy project

A Ugandan-Italian consortium Simba Telecom/Building Energy SPA and the consortium of Access/TSK Electronica of United Arab Emirates and Spain will invest $38million in two Solar Power Energy projects in Eastern Uganda.   The two consortium companies will generate 20MW of electricity, each generating 10MW in Soroti and Tororo districts in Eastern Uganda.   The United Arab Emirates and Spanish consortium of Access/TSK Electronica will invest $20million in their Soroti.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 27th January 2015

Top Gas Provider Is Back In Business

Nigeria has recommenced operations on its Trans Forcados oil pipeline, a senior oil official said on Monday. This will revive the generation part of the network which is paramount to almost half of the country’s gas production. David Ige, Executive Director of gas and power at Nigerian National Petroleum Corp, told Reuters that the pipeline, which had been shut for a week due to sabotage, resumed on Saturday afternoon. Bonny Light and Forcados are two of.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 27th January 2015

Tanzania reports bumper harvest

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania – The government has announced that last year the country had bumper harvest of food crops, in particular cereals, but is now struggling in procurement and storage of the surplus.    According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives, the country produced 16.02 million tonnes of cereals last year compared to 14.38 million tonnes in the preceding season reflecting an increase of 1.64 million tonnes.   In his New.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 27th January 2015

6000 Chinese firms want in on Tanzanian ores

MWANZA, Tanzania – Chinese resource companies are looking at  making Tanzania an investment stronghold.   Mining and infrastructure projects are attracting more Chinese companies and individuals in the Tanzanian economy.   There are 6,000 Chinese interested in exploiting minerals in South Tanzania.   The Njombe Regional Commissioner, Rehema Nchimbi was quoted recently as saying, “There are more than 6,000 Chinese individuals who have shown.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 27th January 2015

Tanzania: 45 Villages in Mara to Get Electricity

Musoma — AS part of the government's rural electrification plan, a total of 45 villages in Mara Region will be connected to power through the Rural Energy Agency (REA), it has been announced. The announcement was made by the Minister of Energy and Minerals, Prof Sospeter Muhongo, who is on a six-day tour of the region to inspect implementation of the second phase of rural electrification projects undertaken by REA and Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco). Prof Muhongo.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 26th January 2015

Kenya: KPLC Launch Sh 35 Million Mombasa Slum Electricity Project

An electricity project will ensure power connection to more than 3,000 households in Kaa Chonjo slum, Tudor. Kenya Power launched the project in Mombasa town yesterday.   Speaking at Kaa Chonjo slum, managing director Ben Chumo said the project is partly funded by the World Bank.   As the project gears up on one side, It is an invitation to all businessmen dealing in power and energy sector to expand their business in this pool of opportunity that this project provides..... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 26th January 2015

Southern Africa: Renewable Energy - Future of SADC Energy Sector

Harare — Access to clean sustainable energy has become part of the international development agenda during the past two decades, reflecting the global recognition of the important role that energy plays in the delivery of basic services and in generating jobs and income. Widely regarded as the "Missing Millennium Development Goal (MDG)", energy has a direct impact on the welfare of people, facilitating the supply of water and fuelling agricultural output, helping in.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 26th January 2015

Solar could power half of Kenya by 2016, according to experts

Kenyan government identifies nine viable sites for its proposed $1.2 billion investment in solar energy. The Kenya Renewable Energy Association – in collaboration with the Kenyan government and a number of private companies – has identified nine potential sites for the ambitious construction of solar power plants in the country. A pot of $1.2 billion has been made available to Kenya’s burgeoning solar power industry, which could potentially power more than half of.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 26th January 2015

Kilwa residents earn 361m/- from timber exports

In a statement, Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative (MCDI) said nine communities set aside 100,000 hectares of village natural forests with sustainable harvesting for exports.   “MCDI also supported seven communities in the nearby Liwale and Tunduru districts to reserve 80,000 hectares of forest in 2014,” the statement said.   The Kilwa based MCDI further noted that the communities have the legal rights in place to generate ethical, sustainable,.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 26th January 2015

Africa: Gauteng to focus on manufacturing industry to revive its industrialization.

 Gauteng will focus on manufacturing to revive its industrialisation. "While the orientation of the economy has shifted towards business and finance services, manufacturing still forms the cornerstone of the province's plans to fight unemployment, poverty and inequality," Gauteng MEC for Economic Development, Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development Lebogang Maile said. He was addressing the Gauteng Industrialisation Forum (GIF), a coordinating body composed of.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 26th January 2015

Turkey eyes to boost trade investment & economic ties with Africa

 Turkey’s moves to gain more influence in African trade are “at the point of no return” and “should go on” despite the presence of giant competitors on the continent. This was the view of economic analysts speaking ahead of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s 12-country African visit starting this week. Erdoğan will begin his first visit of 2015 by visiting two East African states, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Turkey has increased its.... Read more »

Posted on : Monday , 26th January 2015




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