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EADG healthcare centre to have its construction completed in the next 3 years

The Ethio-American Doctors Group (EADG) and the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) recently signed a contract in Addis Ababa for the construction of the first phase of the EADG healthcare centre located. A cutting-edge hospital that provides top-notch healthcare will be built as part of the project's first phase in three years. The contract was signed by Li Minggang, managing director of CCECC, and Tesfaye Fanta, president of EADG. The EADG healthcare.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 11th November 2022

Ethio-Djibouti 2nd Circuit High Power Transmission Line Launched

Construction on the Ethio-Djibouti 2nd Circuit High Power Transmission Line and Distribution Station Project was recently launched by Ethiopia and Djibouti. Along with strengthening the electrical and transportation links between the 2 neighbouring states, the project is anticipated to bring Ethiopia foreign revenue. EEP CEO Ashebir Balcha stated during the project’s launch that the 2 connected countries will benefit socioeconomically from the project. According to Abubakar.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 10th November 2022

KENYA: Tender for the Olkaria VII Power Plant Feasibility Study

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) is inviting tenders for the feasibility study of the Olkaria VII geothermal power plant. The plant will be built at the Olkaria geothermal complex in Nakuru County in western Kenya. A new steam power plant is expected to be built at the Olkaria geothermal site in the Rift Valley, western Kenya. The 7th plant is the subject of a recent tender by Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen). The Kenyan state-owned company is looking.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 10th November 2022

The government has Pledged $36 Million for the Makonde Water Supply.

The Makonde Plateau Water Supply Project in the Mtwara region will be implemented in Tanzania with the help of 84.7 billion Tanzanian shillings (more than $36 million) from the government. Over the coming years, it is intended to increase this region of the nation's access to clean drinking water.The government has budgeted Tshs 84.7 billion (more than US$36 million) for the continued execution of the Makonde Plateau Water Supply Project in the Mtwara Region as Tanzania struggles with.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 9th November 2022

RWANDA: the revolution of solar-powered multi-service centres in rural areas

In Rwanda, Solarkiosk Solutions (SKS) and East African Power (EAP) are launching a joint venture to build solar-powered multi-service centres. "The Pulse will expand to other countries in the Great Lakes region. The productive use of solar energy is taking on a whole new dimension in Rwanda. The Pulse joint venture has been set up to exploit the potential of solar energy in rural areas. It is the result of a partnership between Solarkiosk Solutions (SKS), a company based in.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 8th November 2022

KENYA: Boreal Light Equips 28 Hospitals with Solar-Powered Desalination System

Since October 13, 2022, 28 hospitals in Kenya have been supplied with clean water. This is thanks to new water desalination systems. The German start-up Boreal Light supplied the systems, which were then installed by the Kenyan start-up WaterKiosk Africa. Inaugurated by the Chief Administrative Secretary of Kenya’s Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation, Andrew Tuimur, the new facilities serve hospitals in Kenya’s coastal region as well as Turkana and Nakuru counties..... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 8th November 2022

Lighting the Homes of Women Farmers with Solar Lamps in Rural Kenya

Lighting the majority of Kenyans are without power, which forces them to use kerosene to light their homes. Kerosene is an extremely polluting fuel because when it burns, it releases more black carbon than wood, which is harmful to the health of its users. Kerosene lamps are also costly, their light is too weak for studying or reading, and they present a fire and burn risk.One Acre Fund operates in Kenya's western and southwestern regions, two of the country’s primary food-producing.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 10th November 2022

Ethiopia apprised trade promotion agreements with Pakistan

The Ethiopian Ambassador, Jamal Beker Abdula, has informed the government of Pakistan that seven to ten agreements pertaining to trade promotion, political consultation, defence cooperation, aviation, technology transfer, and others will be signed within the next month or two to help connect the two countries and promote economic exchange. "Ethiopia's economy is import-driven, and its dynamics are similar to Pakistan," said Farazur Rehman, President of the Korangi Association of.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 4th November 2022

Tanzania and the DRC signed a MoU to expand their trade relations

President Samia Suluhu Hassan and her Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) counterpart, Félix Tshisekedi, have agreed to collaborate in a number of areas to boost bilateral trade. Tanzania and the DRC intend to collaborate in a variety of areas, including trade, investment, infrastructure, finance, energy, education, defence, security, and immigration. This decision was reached following discussions between the two leaders at the State House in Dar es Salaam. During.... Read more »

Posted on : Friday , 4th November 2022

Kenya to establish specifications for biogas packaging.

Kenya is establishing regulations to facilitate the commercialization of biogas, a move  that will provide consumers with affordable energy in response to the high cost of LPG and  generate income for producers. The only thing left from the commercialization of the methane gas created from plant matter and animal waste, according to the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KBS), is a set of regulations for the packaging of biogas.According to KBS Principal Standards Officer Alex.... Read more »

Posted on : Thursday , 3rd November 2022

Ethiopian coffee exports will rise by 560 metric tonnes.

Ethiopia is anticipated to produce 8.25 million 60-kilogram bags of coffee during this time (495,000 MT), Ethiopia is home to more than 15 million smallholder farmers who depend on coffee as their main source of income. The total amount of coffee exported from Ethiopia in the most recent fiscal year was 4.70 million bags (282,000 MT). As of 2022, Ethiopia is the largest producer of coffee in Africa and the third-largest producer of arabica coffee in the world, with a production.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 1st November 2022

Tanzania's agricultural goals are boosting grain exports in East Africa

The foundation of Tanzania's economy is agriculture. According to government statistics, the sector employs more than 65% of Tanzanians and accounts for 27% of the country's GDP (GDP). This is supported by Tanzania's plans to build enormous grain storage facilities and distribution hubs all over East Africa. This situation indicates that Tanzania's desire to increase its grain exports is being strengthened by the sector's surplus, which is gaining traction across.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 1st November 2022




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