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Oil & Gas Africa: Kenya Plans Oil Export By Mid Next Year

Kenya could be exporting 4,000 barrels of oil daily by mid next year, after President Uhuru Kenyatta led the country’s cabinet in approving the oil commercialization plan by the Ministry of Energy, on Thursday last week.   The initial plan targets 2,000 barrels daily as the biggest economy in East Africa seeks to break away from her dependence on agriculture and tourism as the main foreign exchange earners.   The crude oil will be refined at Kenya Petroleum.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016

Kenya: Cabinet Okays Plans to Produce Crude Oil in Lokichar

A special Cabinet meeting on Thursday approved plans to start production of 2,000-4,000 barrels of crude oil in Lokichar that will be transported by both rail and road to Mombasa for refining.   With the country getting ready to full commercial exploitation of oil, discovered in Turkana County by Tullow Oil in 2012, plans are in motion to establish business and infrastructure to market the product abroad.   Therefore, the government has started upgrading the Eldoret.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016

India turns to Africa to fuel its auto industry

Indian automakers are slowly tightening their grip on new car exports to Africa as they square off with China, Korea and Japan for opportunities in the continent. Multinationals from emerging economies are hungry to go global, and in the past decade have been racing to the continent to fuel their growth. While Africa still sources the bulk of its new vehicles from traditional markets in Europe and America, India has been making pronounced strides in the sector. South Africa-based.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016

Group takes IT project to remote Tanzanian village

AN INTREPID group of explorers from Bala have set off to a remote Tanzanian village to help educate the locals.   Adrian and Hilary Murray from Christ Church, Bala, are returning to the village of Milo in Tanzania this August with two more young people from Bala.   Mael Evans will coach football to the Milo football team and children from the local primary school whereas Rhys Hughes from Llandderfel who, after a gap year at Coleg y Bala, will train as a primary school.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016

Tanzania: President Urges Fast-track of LNG Plant

President John Magufuli has directed the Ministry of Energy and Minerals to fast-track the construction of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant in Lindi Region to cost 30 billion US dollars (65 trillion/-).   "I want to see this project taking off, there have been a lot of unnecessary delays... just accomplish whatever is creating any bureaucracy so that our investors can begin the work with immediate effect," he said.   The president was speaking at the State.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016

Govt. to install six new radiotherapy machines

The Government is set to install six new radiotherapy machines to boost the treatment of cancer at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) and the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH). The expansion project, which will be completed before the end of 2017, will accelerate access to health care for cancer patients and ease the disease burden. At the moment the country has nine radiotherapy machines, three at KNH and four in the private facilities in Nairobi, against a population of 40.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016

Africa: Ifakara Health Institute Develops New Tech for Battle Against Malaria

 The days are numbered for mosquitoes which transmit malaria, if the latest from scientists is anything to go by. Scientists at the Ifakara Health Institute and partner institutions have developed insecticide- laden Eave Tubes known as 'Tungulizibomba' that attract and kill mosquitoes .   The local innovation is based on a simple behavior of female Anopheles mosquito that transmits malaria. Anopheles mosquitoes chase human odour, then land on people and bite them. If the.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016

Tanzania: Rice Production in Dakawa Boosted

Dakawa — Paddy production in Dakawa Ward in Mvomero District, Morogoro Region has almost tripled, following the financial support extended to producers under the Private Agricultural Sector Support's (PASS) guarantee.   "We have boosted our productivity from 15 bags per acre to between 35 and 45 bags," Mr Evodis Mlokozi, a paddy grower at Dakawa Irrigation Scheme in Morogoro told journalists who visited the project, recently.   The peasant said he was.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016

Tanzania: AGRA - Changing Lives of Smallholder Farmers

 Augusta Madembwe is a farmer based in Ikuna, Njombe. Speaking in Mbeya during Farmer's Day (Nane Nane), recently, she confidently attributed her success to the use of improved seeds, saying this has changed her into a 'professional farmer.' "I'm a proud farmer.   When done the right way, farming pays. I'm a professional farmer, thanks to the knowledge that I've gained in the last few years, on improved seeds and other available technology on my farm," she.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016

EPZA Sign MoU with TanzaniaInvest.com for Business and Investment Promotion

The Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with www.TanzaniaInvest.com on August 2nd 2016 to cooperate in promoting business and investment opportunities in Tanzania. According to the MoU, TanzaniaInvest.com will continue promoting the visibility of Tanzania’s economy and forward to EPZA all the queries it receives concerning projects in the Special Economic Zones (SEZs.) and Export Processing Zones (EPZs) of Tanzania. By becoming.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016

IFC to Support Tanzania Mini Grids Development

 On August 11th 2016, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group (WBG), announced the launch of a web portal designed to speed the development of mini grids in Tanzania. The portal, found at www.minigrids.go.tz, provides licensing, financing, regulatory, and other information and support to small, renewable power producers in Tanzania who want to sell electricity to consumers. According to the IFC press release, the web portal will help.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016

Buildings worth millions to come down as Naivasha-Nakuru highway expands

Buildings worth billions of shillings will be brought down in Naivasha after the government embarked on expanding the Nairobi-Nakuru highway.   The highway authority had began marking affected buildings in preparation for the construction of the dual-carriage between Rironi and Nakuru town.   KeNHA held a meeting with affected traders at Kayole estate on Tuesday.   Officials said tens of buildings, including an upcoming mall, would have to come down to accommodate.... Read more »

Posted on : Wednesday , 24th August 2016




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