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The Sharing Economy: A driver for e-commerce in Kenya and Africa

 NAIROBI, KENYA: According to a report by Price WaterHouse Coopers (UK), global revenues generated by the growing phenomenal that is shared economy or peer to peer (P2P) business is predicted to be worth $335bn by 2025. However, this figure is only said to represent revenues generated from the main sharing economic sectors that is financing, accommodation, transport, online staffing and video and music sharing. These numbers are probably an indication of the need for traditional.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 20th September 2016

China’s Exim bank backs underground power supply project in Nairobi

 Kenya Power has started work on a major project to boost the electricity supply network in and around Nairobi, backed by financing from the Export-Import (Exim) Bank of China.   Kenya Power chief executive officer and managing director Ben Chumo said in an interview with ESI Africa that the underground cabling initiative had begun around the Kenyan capital at a cost of $128 million, supported by a concessional loan from the Exim bank.   “The project entails.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 20th September 2016

Red Cross in record bid to plant 5 million trees in an hour

 The humanitarian organisation said it will make its bid to break the Guinness World Record in November in 19 regions across Kenya. If successful, the attempt, dubbed the Tree Challenge 2016, would double the current record held by the Philippines, which planted 2.4 million trees in one hour. “As thousands of people have expressed interest in being part of this Tree Challenge, the Kenya Red Cross Society, in partnership with Connectik – a global software company.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 20th September 2016

Data on Tanzania’s crude oil, gas now available to public

 Tanzania has made available to the public data on crude oil and natural gas blocks with the aim of attracting more prospectors, investors and researchers.   The data, gathered from onshore and offshore blocks, can be obtained from the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation for a fee.   “The data belongs to Tanzania and will be made available for viewing by appointment through TPDC’s managing director James Mataragio, three days in advance,”.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 20th September 2016

East Africa: Uganda Oil Pipeline Opportunities to Be Unveiled

 The Uganda-Tanzania crude oil pipeline business opportunities are going to be unveiled to private sector in special workshop next Tuesday.   The workshop, organised by Tanzania Private Sector Foundation and Petro Fiorentini, expects to unveil opportunities available before, during and after pipeline construction. The organisers also expect to express the role of value chain and local content to the country's business community.   TPSF Executive Director, Godfrey.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 20th September 2016

Tanzania: Govt Banks On Mid-Sized Firms for Industrialization

 Dar es Salaam — The government expects the private sector to boost the country's industrialisation drive and achieve its goal of becoming a middle income economy by 2025.   Permanent Secretary in the ministry of Industry, Trade and Investments Adelhelm Meru delivering a speech at the gala dinner for this year's Top 100 Mid-Sized Companies on Friday night said small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) were regarded as the vehicle for industrialisation by the.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 20th September 2016

Tanzania: 'Enrol for Health Insurance Cover'

 Tanzania Insurance Brokers Association together with Association of Tanzania Insurers jointly hands over a dummy cheque of 20m/- to disaster coordinator from Prime Minister's Office, Mr Edger Senga during their awareness walk yesterday.   MEMBERS of the public have been advised to enrol themselves in health insurance arrangements so that they can be helped in case of natural disasters.   The call was made in Dar es Salaam yesterday by a member of Tanzania Insurance.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 20th September 2016

Tanzania: Zanzibaris Enlightened On Dental Care

 Zanzibar — Over 1,000 children and adults in Malindi constituency have been provided with free dental hygiene kits in a move geared to minimise common dental problems.   'Go for Zanzibar e.V. (GOZA)' a non-Profit Organisation founded six years ago by a Germany Lady, Ms Antje Fleischer, distributed the dental hygiene kits to at least one thousand residents with the majority being children of Malindi constituency in the Stone Town.   "We have opted to.... Read more »

Posted on : Tuesday , 20th September 2016

G20 to support Africa’s industrialization

 World leaders at this year’s G20 Summit in China have backed a new plan to support Africa’s industrialization, Chinese President Xi Jinping told journalists on Monday.   Speaking shortly after the closure of the summit, Xi did not elaborate the details of the plan but said the Hangzhou summit had crafted a raft of action plans to help developing nations.   “For the first time, we have devised a groundbreaking Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 17th September 2016

The African lighting market is the emerging market prospects for LED lighting

 The African lighting market is the emerging market prospects for LED lighting.   Recently a Zimbabwe began to use the LED street news cause industry attention, recognises this will make energy savings and reduced lighting operating costs for African cities, will be the lighting business in Africa a new milestone.   China-Africa trade volume has grown rapidly in African LED lighting demand increasing.   It is understood that dates back to the 1950-present,.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 17th September 2016

South Africa: New Revelations in SA Nuclear Deal

 The department of energy was tight-lipped on Friday over the awarding of a tender for the controversial nuclear build programme to the son of a close friend of President Jacob Zuma.   When approached for comment, departmental spokesperson Thandiwe Maimane said by email: "For now the department of energy will not be commenting further on the matter.   The Mail & Guardian reported that Shantan Reddy, the son of flamboyant businessman Vivan Reddy, was the.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 17th September 2016

Strategies to advance oral health in Africa

 Oral health in Africa has just received a second boost with the August 2016 launch of the World Health Organization’s African region strategy, based on four clear objectives. This follows its publication Promoting Oral Health in Africa, launched earlier this year, which proposes proven, aff ordable and feasible interventions to address daily oral health needs in the African region.   The first boost to oral health came in 2013, when the FDI launched its own Strategy.... Read more »

Posted on : Saturday , 17th September 2016




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