Posted on :Friday , 24th October 2014
Nairobi — TULLOW Oil has announced the results of a series of recent exploration and appraisal activities conducted in Blocks 10BB and 13T onshore Kenya.
The company said the Kodos-1 exploration wildcat in Block 10BB is the first well drilled in the Kerio Basin, northeast of the successful South Lokichar Basin.
Hydrocarbon shows were encountered in Kodos-1 which indicates the presence of an active petroleum system. However reservoirs were mixed quality alluvial sands close to the basin boundary fault at this well location.
The Weatherford Rig-804 drilled Kodos-1 to a final depth of 2 500 metres and the well will be plugged and abandoned. The rig will now be moved to drill the second well in the basin at Epir-1, 25 km north of Kodos-1 in a separate sub-basin.
Following up on the encouraging hydrocarbon shows at Kodos-1, further drilling in the greater Kerio Basin can be expected during 2015.
Tullow, in the exploration update, said the Ekosowan-1 well in block 10BB was the most southerly well drilled to date in the South Lokichar Basin, 12 km south east and up-dip of the previous Amosing-1 oil discovery.
The well extended the proven oil basin southwards having encountered a 900 metre section of near continuous oil shows throughout an interval of tight faulted sands.
The Ekosowan area is located within the ongoing 3D seismic survey in the South Lokichar Basin, acquisition of which is expected to complete in December this year. Follow up drilling will target better developed reservoir expected between Amosing-1 and Ekosowan-1, further away from the faulting at the basin margin.
The Sakson PR-5 rig drilled the Ekosowan-1 well to a final depth of 2 029 metres. The well will be plugged and abandoned, following which the Sakson PR-5 rig will be replaced by the new SMP-106 rig which is currently mobilising to the Engomo-1 wildcat well location, the first test of the North Turkana Basin.
Tullow stated the Ngamia-4 well in Block 10BB continued the successful appraisal of the Ngamia oil field. The well was drilled 1,1 km west of the Ngamia-1 discovery well and successfully encountered up to 120 metres of net hydrocarbon pay, of which up to 80 metres was oil. The well has been suspended for use in future appraisal and development activities.
The PR Marriott Rig-46 drilled Ngamia-4 to a final depth of 1 814 metres. The rig will now drill the Ngamia-5 appraisal well which will help assess reservoir connectivity in the Ngamia field, the largest oil discovery to date in the South Lokichar Basin.
The SMP-5 Workover Rig has successfully completed four flow tests on the Twiga-2A well in Block 13T, achieving production rates between 150 and 3 270 bopd under natural flow with no depletion, the highest oil production rate seen to date in Kenya.
Angus McCoss, Exploration Director, said the Kodos-1 well was the first test of the Kerio Basin and hydrocarbon shows provide encouragement, indicating the presence of an active petroleum system.
"The potential of the Kerio Basin remains highly prospective and the rig is now moving to drill the next well, Epir-1, in a sub-basin to the north of Kodos-1."
He said the company was looking forward to stepping out from Ekosowan towards the Amosing oil field in pursuit of better reservoirs.
"Appraisal and well testing success continues with Ngamia-4 finding a substantial section of oil pay and Twiga-2A recording our highest flow rates to date.".