Market News | LIGHTEXPO Tanzania 2024

Market News

  • Adopting LED Technology - The future is now

    Posted on :Wednesday , 22nd August 2018

    Customer experience is an important part of visual marketing and a prime component of the same is lighting. It is key to help highlight displays and properly showcase product to potential customers so as to create a better shopping experience that drives sales and revenue. For these reasons, it is critical to maintain a well-lit facility. But does it mean that a facility may shoulder greater en. . .

  • United for Efficiency initiative takes shape

    Posted on :Thursday , 19th April 2018

    The United for Efficiency initiative, a public-private partnership led by UN Environment for LED lighting systems will publish a model regulation will, for use by interested countries. All essential pieces of information like description of what to cover, definitions, test methods, minimum efficiency levels, and a set of common-sense minimum quality and performance requirements along with marke. . .

  • Akon's Solektra lighting up homes in Africa

    Posted on :Thursday , 19th April 2018

    Thanks to a reported $1 billion credit line with Chinese manufacturers and a skill for celebrity networking, Africa is being lit up by platinum album selling singer rapper AKON, with solar lighting and other products. Born Aliaune Badara Thiam in St. Louis, and raised in Senegal until he was seven has suggested to local media that he may try to launch an IPO for his New York-based Solektra Inte. . .

  • Much needed shine with solar campaign in East Africa

    Posted on :Friday , 27th July 2018

    World Bank-IFC have created a new campaign, called “shine with solar”, it is the complete deal” (Ngaa na Sola – Ndo Mpango Mzima) to raise consumer awareness about the advantages of modern quality solar off-grid lighting. The program has been designed to provide the right information and help people make the right decisions regarding solar energy generation. It will also. . .

  • Lighting solution provided to 500,000 people in East Africa

    Posted on :Thursday , 22nd March 2018

    In a statement regarding the recent achievements, Thomas Gottschalk, the Mobisol founder and CEO, said: “We are proud to have reached this important milestone to electrify half a million people in rural East Africa. But it does not end here, our vision is to help make poverty history by providing s. . .


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