Two Agreements Signed to Boost Agriculture in Tanzania

Posted on :Monday , 2nd October 2017

 The government and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have signed two agreements, in an attempt to support farmers on issues regarding global warming and improved competitiveness in the rice farming trade, especially in the Iringa region.

The agreement was signed by Eng. Mathew Mtigumwe, Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and FAO Country Representative, Mr. Fred Kafeero.
On signing the agreement on Climate Smarter Agriculture, Mr. Kafeero spoke about how the agreement aims to strengthen the common farmer’s position against climate change and the issues it brings with it.
Mr. Kafeero revealed that the FAO will work in tandem with the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) to ensure that important information regarding weather patterns and climate related changes, concerning farmers is communicated to them in a timely fashion.
The government is working with the US Department of Agriculture and several other partners in a bid to achieve this goal.
While speaking about the second of the two agreements, Mr. Kafeero said that it deals with improving competitiveness, particularly with regard to rice production in the Iringa Region. 
The European Union too has a vested interest in the project, having invested US $ 1.5 million dollars to its cause. FAO is also putting its technical cooperative program funds to use tofinance the project.    
“The issue of climate and smatter agriculture and improving competitiveness in rice production are well highlighted in ASDP II, thus this is a good sign for implementation of the programme,” according to Eng. Mtigumwe. The agreement is expected to benefit the implementation of the Agricultural Sector Development Program.


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