Tanzania: Farmers Look to Experts for Guidance As Climate Change Looms

Posted on :Friday , 20th January 2017

Farmers in the district have appealed to the government for more agricultural extension officers to help turn around the fortunes of an increasing number of locals turning into farming.

Speaking to The Citizen recently, farmers said over the last few planting seasons, they have been missing out on essential guidelines from agricultural experts amid the biting effects of climate change.
"We lack guidance on what types of crops to plant and when due to climatic changes affecting the area," said Mr Mpandije Ngollo, a farmer.
According to Magu district agricultural officer, Mr Kessam Maswaga, the shortage of experts is mainly because a number of extension officers have retired. He said this presents a challenge in training farmers on modern crop production techniques. "Thirty extension officers are not enough to cover more than 10 wards in the district," he said.
Reacting to what President John Magufuli said in Simiyu Regionrecently, urging farmers to plant drought resistant crops, residents claim they lack the expertise and knowledge to grow other crops.


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