Buyers Programme at MINEXPO Tanzania 2025

Buyers Programme

Buyers programme is a free service for visitors, created to facilitate the search for the right suppliers and products at the exhibition. The programme enables visitors and exhibitors to know each other better at the exhibition in advance. Meetings can be held during 3 days of the exhibition


  • Distribution companies

  • Regional wholesalers and retail companies

  • Manufacturing companies

  • End Users from the industry

  • Import-Export companies

  • Processing companies

  • Production companies

  • Service providers

  • And more...

Benefits of participation in Buyer Program:

  • Save time with simplified registration at the exhibition without queuing

  • Get a "Buyer Badge", which gives an opportunity to visit the exhibition during its entire duration and identifies you as an important investor

  • Early access to the show catalogue 

  • Expo Lounge Facilities for negotiations with exhibitors.

  • Meet the right manufacturers who are relevant for your investment

Event video 2018
Event Gallery

Please complete the form below to enquire more about Buyers Programme.

Please also call me for assistance

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Thank you! A consultant will be approaching you shortly.


Expogroup is a full service exhibition organiser with over 28 Years experience in International trade exhibitions. Our current portfolio includes 28 annual exhibitions from a diverse range of industries being held across the Middle East & Africa.

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