Market News | INDUSMACH Kenya 2024

Market News

  • 2.5 Billion Euro Funding By France To Boost Africa's Industrial Growth

    Posted on :Thursday , 4th April 2019

    African start-ups and small businesses up to 10,000 stand to receive financial and technical support to the tune of Sh282.5 billion (€2.5 billion) under a newly launched entrepreneurship drive by visiting French President Emmanuel Macron.


    The Choose Africa campaign seeks to ignite . . .

  • East Africa among most promising destinations for foreign investors in Africa

    Posted on :Thursday , 7th February 2019

    According to a new study by South Africa’s Rand Merchant Bank (RMB), Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania are bound to be among Africa’s most attractive investment destinations in 2019.

  • Kenyan Government Turns to Automation to Meet Mombasa Port's Added Demands

    Posted on :Wednesday , 18th April 2018

    The Government of Kenya has made plans to use more automation services at the Mombasa port in a bid to meet the rising demands at the port. According to statistics from the Kenya Ports of Authority (KPA), the port serviced 17.5 tonnes of cargo in a six month period in 2017. This is a substantial increase from the 15.7 million sum recorded in 2016.

    Cabiniet Secretary, J. . .

  • 25 Companies Lend Support to Kenya’s Industrialization Objective

    Posted on :Friday , 12th January 2018

     Tanzanian Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has revealed that at least 25 companies have agreed to get onboard the government’s plans to ramp up the nation’s industrial operations.

    "So far, 25 companies have confirmed their willingness to invest in our country in support of the vision of turning Tanzania into an industrialized nation," Mr Majaliwa said as he pre. . .

  • Kenyan Industries to Increase Manufacturing to Boost Exports

    Posted on :Wednesday , 18th April 2018

    Kenyan Industries are in the process of increasing their manufacturing output in a bid to boost exports. This vision is supported and shared by the Kenyan government, according to a statement from the administration.
    The cabinet secretary of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Adan Mohamed gave his view on the subject stating that Kenya’s exports have been. . .


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