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Market News | Dentexpo Tanzania 2024

Market News

  • Over 200 health facilities in Tanzania benefits as they are equipped with high tech anaesthesia machines through a $3million project

    Posted on :Monday , 6th May 2019

    According to Chief Executive Officer of Gradian Health Systems, Mr Stephen Rudy, "the high tech medical equipment, known as Universal Anesthesia Machine (UAM), can generate medical oxygen and work without power."

    “The equipment can save valuable time, money and lives during surgery,’’ said Mr Rudy.
    A $3million project that was. . .

  • High Level Delegation From Ministry of Health and Parliament of Nepal Visited Ethiopia

    Posted on :Wednesday , 24th April 2019

    The Nepal's high level delegation which was led by H.E. Mr Upendra Yadav, who is the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population of Nepal and three members of the Nepal Parliamentarian of Federalism visited to Ethiopia.

    The visit was specialy to understand the entire administrative and political structure of Ethiopia with an prominence of federalism focusing to t. . .

  • A South Korean producer of medical equipment plans to invest in Tanzania

    Posted on :Wednesday , 24th April 2019

    A Korean company, dealing in manufacturing of medical facilities, will invest in Tanzania as it requests to get a share of the East African country’s remunerative pharmaceutical market. South Korean producer of medical equipment eyes Tanzania.

    The Radian Qbio managing director, Prof Sang Young said that his firm was interested in selling and investing in setting up a . . .

  • Tanzania to receive 67 new district health facilities

    Posted on :Thursday , 28th March 2019

    The announcement has been made by the Tanzanian Government  that Tanzania is all set to begin construction of 67 new district health facilities countrywide.

    The construction of the new facilities are aimed and focused at diminishing challenges which are faced by the people from rural areas.

    Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, said, “The plan is to have quality healthcare . . .

  • Tanzania is all set to construct a National Infectious Diseases Hospital

    Posted on :Thursday , 21st March 2019

    The government of Tanzania is set to come up with a National Infectious Diseases Hospital that will be the only centre which will deal with chronic Tuberculosis B and HIV.

    The National Tuberculosis (TB) Hospital facility will have a new three storey laboratory.


    The hospital will be able to provide information to hospitals all over the country on how to deal with t. . .


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