Market News | FOOD & KITCHEN Tanzania 2024

Market News

  • Pig genetics farm set for Zambia

    Posted on :Tuesday , 5th August 2014

     Zambia will in September this year establish a pig genetics farm which will be breeding stock to the local market and other countries in the region

    Pigs-Cameron Nordholm-AfricaA new pig genetics farm will be constructed in Zambia in September. (Image source: Cameron Nordholm)
    The farm, which will be fully automated, is expected to supply breeding stock to other count. . .

  • Govt support can boost contract farming in cotton

    Posted on :Thursday , 31st July 2014

     The Tanzania Cotton Board (TCB) has sought Government support for boosting contract farming in the East African country.

    TCB acting director general Gabriel Mwalo recently said that contract farming is the best way through which cotton farmers can reap maximum output. 
    Cotton farming in Tanzania suffers mainly due to constra. . .

  • Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda Use Science and Technology to Boost Agricultural Productivity

    Posted on :Thursday , 31st July 2014


    • Across Sub-Saharan Africa, the agriculture sector is under-performing
    • Four east African countries – Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda – are collaborating to marshal the power of science and tackle common problems facing farmers
    • A new video documents the East Africa Agricultural Productivity Program and its sub-regional ap. . .

    • Tanzanian coffee industry shows promising potential

      Posted on :Thursday , 31st July 2014

       A recent report released by Rabobank has suggested that governmental effects will be required to allow Tanzanian farmers to enhance the quality of their beans in order to encourage further growth in the East African country's coffee sector

      Coffee-beans-advencapThe Tanzanian government's influence on improving coffee production was highlighed in a recent report from Rabobank. (Im. . .

    • Zambian government signs US$26 million loan agreement

      Posted on :Thursday , 31st July 2014

       The Zambian government has signed a US$26 million loan agreement with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in a bid to provide rural financial services to small-holder farmers

      Zambia-farmers-wateringcrops Small-holder farmers in Zambia will benefit from a loan deal entered by the Zambian government and IFAD. (Image source: Bread for the World)
      T. . .


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