Posted on : Monday , 19th August 2019
Munira Lighting Is A Responsible And Quality Supplier Of LED Light Fittings With Components And Products Sourced From The USA, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, India And China.they will be participating at Tanzania “5TH LIGHTEXPO”, to expand their Business in overseas regions.
As part of AL HATIMI Trading FZE, Munira Lighting constantly endeavor to bring to efficient and safe lighting solutions for a variety of applications and areas of use. With a development centre in USA and Head office in the heart of the middle-east business centre in the United Arab Emirates, and a Sales Office in India, they are poised to cater to their clients lighting requirements with a strong focus on quality and technical expertise.
The 05th Lightexpo 2019 - International Trade Expo on Residential, Commercial & Industrial Lighting & Accessory Products, and Equipment & Machinery is the largest trade event held annually in Tanzania. The exhibition attracts exhibitors from more than 15 countries and visitors from all over East & Central Africa, thus giving exhibitors an excellent opportunity to explore several countries at one time.
AL HATIMI Trading is a distribution, trading and supply company founded in 2007. In the highly competitive and dynamic economic environment of the Middle East, it was the company’s technical accuracy in every response or support, and timely delivery that became their strongest credentials. It was only natural that they won the confidence of a highly coveted clientele in the UAE, Sultanate of Oman, Qatar, other GCC countries and Africa.
Over the past few years, Tanzania has emerged as a major regional trade centre. This is mainly due to the very friendly and business like atmosphere it offers to foreign investors and products. Duties are considerably low and re-exports to neighboring countries are either very low or exempted.