Kenya Mineral Rights Board key to reform agenda in the mining sector
Posted on : Friday , 11th August 2017
The Kenya Mineral Rights Board paves the way for issuance of mining licenses as required under the Kenyan Mining Act 2016.
The nine-member team of the Kenya Mineral Rights Board comprises:
Chairperson appointed by the president (Abel K. Chumba)
Principal Secretary Ministry of Mining (Dr Ibrahim M. Mohamed)
Principal Secretary National Treasury (Dr Kamau Thugge)
Chairman National Land Commission (Dr Mohamed Swazuri)
Director of Mines/Secretary to the board (Current Ag. Director Raymond Mutiso)
Director of Geological Services Ministry of Mining (Shadrack Kimomo)
Representative from Council of Governors (Wachira Maina)
Two people appointed by the Cabinet Secretary with professional qualifications and experience (Vivienne Apopo Yeda and Dr Gathuru Mburu)
“The inauguration of the Kenya Mineral Rights Board is the epitome of our reform agenda for the mining sector,” said Kazungu, speaking at the launch earlier this week.
“This is something the ministry has been looking forward to as industry stakeholders have been waiting for this day so that expired licenses and new applications can be considered in earnest by the board.”
According to section 31 of the Mining Act 2016, the Kenyan Mineral Rights Board will be tasked with advising and giving recommendations in writing to the cabinet secretary on granting, rejection, retention, renewal, suspension, revocation, variation, assignment, trading, tendering or transfer of mineral rights.
In addition, the Kenyan Mineral Rights Board will have the power to declare certain minerals as strategic minerals and the cessation, suspension or curtailment of production in respect to mining licences.
The nine members will also determine fees, charges and royalties payable for a mineral right or mineral as well as advise on areas suitable for small scale and artisanal mining among other duties.
The cabinet secretary expressed confidence in the Kenyan Mineral Rights Board and assured them of his and the ministry’s support in their functions.
He also clarified that, “the delay in inauguration of the Kenyan Mineral Rights Board was due to circumstances beyond our control. The key enabling regulations had to go through rigorous public participation sessions from stakeholders and parliament. It wasn’t until end of June that parliament approved these regulations before recess”
Having the Kenyan Mineral Rights Board in place now repeals the old system where decisions on licensing were made by a single office and individual in the person of the Commissioner of Mines and Geology.
The Kenyan Mineral Rights Board is set to provide more consultative processes of evaluation and consideration of concession and mineral rights applications as well as renewals that will ensure transparency and accountability in the management of the mining sector in Kenya.
This will in turn reduce the time taken to approve applications via the online cadastre.
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