Tanzania: Govt Bans 'Viroba' - Alcoholic Drinks in Plastic Sachets
Posted on : Thursday , 23rd March 2017
FOLLOWING the ban on alcoholic drinks packed in plastic sachets, commonly referred to as 'viroba,' the government has revoked permits for production and importation of 20 varieties of the hard liquor which had earlier been approved by the Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA).
The Minister for Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, Ms Ummy Mwalimu, said the government had revoked the permits for production, importation and sale of the drinks in sachets.
"We have annulled the permits for all drinks packed in sachets ... all drinks should be packed in bottles of not less than 200 millilitres," Ms Mwalimu stated.
The minister explained that her order follows directives issued by Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa on February 2, this year, bringing to a complete halt production, importation, sale and use of the plastic sachets-packed drinks effective March 1, this year.
This is in line with the Environmental Management (Prohibition of Manufacturing, Import and Use of Plastic Sachets for Packaging Distilled and other alcoholic beverages) Regulations of 2017), she observed. She pointed further that apart from environmental degradation caused by the plastic packets, the hard drinks have health risks to users.
"Alcohol abuse was rampant since the sachets can be easily kept in pockets, leading to road accidents caused by drunk drivers which have cost lives of people and left others with injuries," she stated.
Ms Mwalimu said the task force charged with enforcing this ban still waits further directives from the Prime Minister's Office on how to destroy the impounded consignment.