
Ethiopia Exploring Renewable Energy Resources for Viable Development

Posted on : Monday , 14th November 2016

If we look over the experience of developed countries, the development of their energy sources played indispensable role for achieving economic advancement. The industrial revolution which took place in 1850 in Great Britain and other European countries was aggressively entertained by the exploitation of non-renewable energy sources.

From that time on-wards, the human way of life was rapidly changed and the socioeconomic progress was also advanced. Though such unprecedented development had been seen in history, the negative consequence of utilizing carbon-based energy sources felt by human-being in the last hundred years. The gas emitted from industries has often caused global warming which make the earth inconvenient for living things.
Understanding the long effect of climate change on the environment, scientists all over the world gathered to discuss on the matter in the Sweden capital in 1972. Following the meeting held by the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the exploration and exploitation of renewable energy is friendly to the environment, and taken as a solution to curb climate change. They also agreed to open negotiation for the reduction of emission gas.
Advanced countries which are responsible for global warming pledged to reduce emission and provide compensation for victim developing countries. Currently, most developing countries including Ethiopia are a net importer of carbon-based oil and petroleum-based chemicals from abroad to meet their energy demand and spend significant amount of hard currency.
Apart from its unpredictable price, the imported energy is environmentally hazardous. Thence, gas emitted from petrol and kerosene which are used for vehicles and cooking respectively might threaten human health especially the respiratory organ of children and women. Recognizing the fact, developing countries currently agreed to peruse on the value of green growth which relies on exploring and exploiting of indigenous renewable energy sources such as hydro power, geothermal, wind, solar and bio-mas energies.
In this regard, Ethiopia can be mentioned as exemplary to other countries. The development of Climate Resilience Green Economy, recognized and supported by the international community, is striving to reduce dependency on carbon-based energy and the stress comes due to the development of indigenous-based renewable energy. Ethiopia as a developing country characterized by agriculture dominated economy. Though manufacturing and service sectors are at infancy level, they might consume carbon-based energy and contributed for emission.
In our context, the majority of the population heavily depend on bio-mass energy for cooking, heating and lightening at house hold level. This clearly indicated that our country has to put more effort on developing modern energy thereby speeding up the nations economy. The utilization of biomass energy pressures on the natural resources witnessed by the clearance of vegetation cover, cutting tress which in turn aggravate soil erosion, land degradation and emitting gas to the environment.
When the 6th African Rift Geothermal Conference recently took place here in the capital, the government officials announced that, though abundant energy source is available in Africa due to the absence of sufficient technology, finance and qualified human power, countries of the continent greatly suffer from energy poverty. Hence, to avert the situation, a game change measures should be taken.
The development of renewable energy averts the clearance of vegetation cover and cutting plants. As the result, the depleting of natural resources and ecosystem will be rehabilitated, and the emission caused by cutting trees also contained would also be protected. Such practice would support mitigating climate change globally. In addition to this, renewable energy derived from indigenous sources enable to supply safe, cheep, and clean energy to local markets.
Aiming at the development of clean energy, the government of Ethiopia registered some commendable results over the last decade and half devoted in the development of finance, time and man-power. The accomplishment of the construction of hydro-power dams and the power generation and supply to the grid can be mentioned as exemplary.
The development of wind farm also contribute its part in supplying energy to the national grid. The largest geothermal development in Corbeti area in the Southern Nation, Nationalities and Peoples region which is expected to produce 1,000 Mega Watt to further contribute for the reduction of dependence on imported energy. The numerous small scale solar energy development in the rural part of the country can also support the effort made to achieve rural electrification goals.
In sum, energy development can propel economic growth. But, focusing on clean, efficient, cheep and sustainable renewable energy sources is essential to make the utilization viable.

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