KDA inputs to Kenyan government oral health position at RC66
Posted on : Wednesday , 7th September 2016
Congratulations and thanks to the Kenya Dental Association for contributing to their national government position during the debate to launch the ‘Regional Oral Health Strategy for Africa 2016–2025.
The Strategy was discussed and adopted by 47 Ministers of Health from the WHO African region on 20 August, during the 66th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa (RC66, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 19 to 23 August 2016). []
Access to the results of a national oral health survey in 2015 helped KDA develop their submission, which was closely aligned toFDI’s statement presented by Dr Mulualem Tegegnwork, President of the Ethiopian Dental Association. There was a dentist in the Kenyan delegates that attended the session.
KDA action post RC66
In a brief report to FDI in the wake of RC66, President Jane Wamai said KDA intends to follow-up with a call to the director of medical services and the cabinet Secretary for health to re-emphasize the need to prioritize oral health and implement the Session’s outcomes. Her report further notes that:
There is currently no oral health policy in most partS of Africa, so the best way to place oral health on the agenda is to create one as a basis for funding policies;
Kenya’s first lady is leading a very strong and well-known programme called Beyond Zero, which aims at reducing maternal and child mortality in Kenya. Approaching mothers at the mother child health clinics, especially in the pre-natal stage, would be a good entry point to introducing them to oral health.
There is no oral health expert in any of the national programmes for noncommunicable diseases, which means there is no oral health component in most government documents. Integrating an oral health policy into the NCD policy would help remedy this.
Dr Wamai further noted that a large part of Kenya has very high fluoride levels, sometimes as high as 7 parts per million, so fluorosis in teeth is a big issue. “Even as we discuss the issue of use of fluoride toothpaste, further research needs to be done in our region to factor this in,” she said.
She also called for more research in areas such as ART because by the time children come for treatment, cavities are already huge due to low public awareness of prevention. She highlighted the need to address the cost and accessibility of toothpaste, especially to children, considering the level of poverty in some areas of the country.
Source : www.fdiworldental.org