Toshiba signs first MoU with TGDC for geothermal power generation
Posted on : Thursday , 17th December 2015
Japanese multinational Toshiba Corporation has concluded an MoU with the Tanzania Geothermal Development Company Limited (TGDC) to develop geothermal power in the East African nation
geothermal simon pixabayTanzania has vast reserves of untapped geothermal energy, which Toshiba hopes to capitalise on.
TDGC is the only organisation in Tanzania with geothermal exploitation rights, said Toshiba in a statement. The company’s business ranges from geothermal resource development to power plant construction. Through TDGC’s expertise, Toshiba is expected to develop and provide major equipment, create guidelines for plant operation and management, as well as handle personnel training.
Though considered a major source of geothermal energy in Africa after Kenya and Ethiopia, Tanzania isn’t tapping its geothermal power resource completely, noted Toshiba. Around 97 per cent of the country’s electricity supply relies on hydroelectric power and fossil fuels, while geothermal resources are far from being developed.
However, the country plans to increase power generation to around 10,000MW from the current 1,577MW by 2025, which could provide a host of opportunities for power production from geothermal, said Toshiba.
After having delivered four geothermal turbines to Kenya last year, Toshiba claims to be well-positioned to aid Tanzania with its geothermal power needs. With a total power generation capacity of nearly 3,400MW, Toshiba commands a 26 per cent share in global geothermal electricity generation – the largest share by a single entity.
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