Ethiopia will boost power generation to 17,000 MW in five years
Posted on : Wednesday , 14th October 2015
Implementing its second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II) in the coming five years, Ethiopia will endeavor to boost its power generation to at least 17,000 MW, said Ethiopia’s President Mulatu Teshome.
Having completed the implementation of its first GTP, the East African country in September launched the second GTP, which the president said is a decisive chapter in the country’s development, designed to realize the first half of its vision to join middle income countries by 2025.
The president made the remarks at the inaugural of the 5th joint session of the House of People’s Representatives and the House of Federation, whereby Mulatu dwelt upon major development successes and endeavors made in Ethiopia.
Electric power production is the backbone for the country’s economic development and a major source for economic growth, said Mulatu, this has been expanded on the basis of Ethiopia’s green economic strategy.
He stated that the various renewable resources, including water, wind, geothermal and solar energy would be used in an integrated fashion to boost the country’s power generation.
"During the Second Plan, every effort will be made to increase our power generation ability to at least 17,000 MW and power transmission infrastructure provided both within Ethiopia and across our border," said the president.
The president also said that due emphasis would be given to manufacturing sector and that high-level efforts would be made in the second GTP period.