Tanzania: Rural electrification remains govt priority
Posted on : Thursday , 5th March 2015
This was said in Dar es Salaam by the Principal Energy Officer, Mr Paul Kiwele, who represented Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, at the launch of Rex Solar Energy’s 3G Solar Home System.
“The improved energy supply in the rural areas through public and private sector participation, will contribute significantly in improvement of livelihoods of rural populations and attainment of sustainable economic growth,” he said.
He added, “The Rex Solar initiative of introducing low cost 3G Solar Home System is commendable and support government efforts of achieving dramatic improvement in their access to modern energy services.”
He said the government recognises the contribution of solar energy into the whole energy sector and the system introduced by Rex Solar Energy would promote enterprising in the rural communities thus supporting efforts to address abject poverty.
The available statistics show that electrification level reaching 24 per cent, up from 18 per cent in the recent years.
Rex Energy Managing Director Mr Francis Kibhisa said “Rex Energy has taken upon itself to complement government efforts to remove off-grid and other markets facing unreliable power supply,” He added that his company plans to deliver the 3G Solar Home System power solution to about 1.5 million households by 2020.
In distribution process of the new solar system, over 2,500 jobs will be created encompassing local youth who will be trained by Rex Solar Energy as artisans to install the system and provide after sales services.
Mr Kibhisa said a payment mode that allows the customers to pay deposit upfront and the balance over a period of 12 months will reduce the initial capital investment by the client.
The 3G Solar Home System technology developed by Rex Energy’s partner company, Solaric Pvt Limited, has been tested in Bangladesh, India and Malaysia and is proven off grid solution to light rural Tanzania and East Africa.